Katherinne Rivera
Data Analyst
Katherinne Rivera is the Data Analyst at Brighter Bites. In 2021, Katherinne graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and a minor in Computer Science. Her passion for learning and problem-solving has led her to start a career in Data Analysis. Upon learning about Brighter Bites and their involvement with the community, Katherinne was eager to join their team and use her math skills to make a positive impact with the organization. In her role at Brighter Bites, Katherinne specializes in transforming complex data sets into meaningful insights to support key business decisions. She looks forward to continue developing her skills and grow alongside Brighter Bites.
In her free time, you can catch Katherinne spending her time with her family and friends. She likes finding new places to eat and exploring new places to see in her hometown, Fort Worth, as well as other Texan cities. She likes traveling often, especially to her home country, El Salvador, and experiencing different cultures.