Three Cheers for Houston Volunteers!
It’s Time to Celery-brate
This year Brighter Bites was thrilled to provide programming to 50 schools in the Houston area. More schools mean more food to pack and distribute. Thousands of pounds of food may seem daunting to some, but we’ve learned after nearly five years that, when it comes to the Houston community, incredible volunteers are in no short supply.
On May 11th, the Brighter Bites Houston team expressed their thanks with an appreciation party honoring the valuable time and effort donated daily by the volunteers who make the Brighter Bites mission possible.
Approximately 300 party guests were welcomed at the Houston Food Bank with a SNAP cookbook and a beautiful slideshow of photos capturing their hard work at each of the sites. Volunteers proudly cheered as photos of their school flashed onto the screen.
In true Brighter Bites fashion the party included delicious treats for volunteers to snack on. Everyone wanted a turn on the smoothie bike where they could peddle out a creamy creation. Moments were captured in a fun and festive photo booth, and some party goers even got to walk away with amazing raffle prizes. It was a true celery-bration!
The party gave volunteers from all over Houston a chance to gather in one place and celebrate their achievements! Several shared touching stories about how Brighter Bites has impacted their lives and changed their eating habits profoundly. These personal moments were a true highlight.
The staff of Brighter Bites has the incredible opportunity to work alongside families in their own communities to inspire healthy eating and healthful choices. We are well aware that the program is only made possible by the help of the families and community members who continue to share their time, support, and strength with us. A huge thank you to all Brighter Bites volunteers!
We look forward to working with you for many years to come!