Safety First Y’all

Here at Brighter Bites we take safety very seriously. Whether you’re volunteering with us or just doing some yard work at home, it’s important for you to take care of yourself so you don’t get hurt. At Brighter Bites, we have to consider not only food safety, but also the safety of our volunteers. For example, lifting heavy boxes of potatoes  while bagging produce at one of our elementary schools could cause back strain if lifting the box is not executed properly. Making our program a success requires a heap of sweat equity from the community!  At the same time, being safe is also our responsibility. Here are a few tips from OSHA to keep in mind when lifting or moving heavy objects such as boxes or bags of produce: >Maintain neutral and straight spine alignment whenever possible. Usually, bending at the knees, not the waist, helps maintain proper spine alignment. >Materials that must be manually lifted should be placed at “power zone” height, about mid-thigh to mid-chest. >Keep your elbows close to your body and keep the load as close to your body as possible. >If you think something is too heavy for you, don’t try to lift it and ask for help.