Program Directors Recognized as Walmart Community Playmakers
Brighter Bites is thrilled to recognize two superstar program directors: Alicia Farhat of Dallas and Melanie Button of New York City. Alicia and Melanie were recently honored by the Walmart Community Playmaker Program, which recognizes individuals dedicated to improving the lives of others and being a force for good in their communities. Alicia received her Walmart Community Playmaker award at a Dallas Mavericks basketball game, and Melanie received her award at a New York Knicks game.
Alicia Farhat joined Brighter Bites in the summer of 2014, leading the Brighter Bites’ expansion into Dallas, the organization’s second city. Alicia now leads a team of five full-time staff, serving 15 schools and nearly 4,000 families. Alicia additionally works with the North Texas Food Bank and other produce suppliers to send our families home with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Brighter Bites Dallas Program Director Alicia Farhat receives her Community Playmaker Award at a Dallas Mavericks game.
Melanie Button joined Brighter Bites in 2017 to lead our first program outside of Texas. Melanie oversees everything Brighter Bites in New York City, including programs in two schools in Queens and our relationships with City Harvest, D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York, Inc. and other produce donors.

Brighter Bites NYC Program Director Melanie Button receiving her Community Playmaker Award at a New York Knicks game, pictured with former New York Knicks player Larry Johnson.
Congrats Alicia and Melanie!