Pearing Your Vitamins and Minerals

Our bodies are complex machines that use numerous vitamins and minerals as fuel.  It can be difficult to keep track of all the nutrients your body needs.  It is even more difficult to remember which vitamins and minerals work better together.  Let’s take a look at IRON and VITAMIN C.  Iron helps your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body and transports carbon dioxide to your lungs (for you to breathe out).  If you don’t have enough iron, then you may feel tired, grumpy, weak, and find yourself unable to concentrate.  All of these are symptoms of a condition called anemia. Okay, so what about Vitamin C?  This vitamin is an antioxidant found in citrus fruits.  It acts as a healing agent to repair tissues.  It also protects the body from damaging free radicals!  What are free radicals?  They are harmful oxidants that hinder your body from functioning properly, and that’s why antioxidants like Vitamin C are so important. How do IRON and VITAMIN C work together? Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. Iron carries oxygen throughout your body. Oxygen fuels your body!  Now that you know what IRON and VITAMIN C do and why they are important, let’s talk about where you can find them.  Meat lovers can find iron in pork, ham, chicken, and fish.  Vegetarians can find iron in beans, spinach, and lentils. Vitamin C is in oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, and pineapple.  Why not drink a spinach and strawberry smoothie for breakfast or have chicken with pineapple salsa for lunch?  That way you’ll be sure to not only feed your appetite, but you’ll also give your body the perfect pear of vitamins and minerals. The chart below highlights some basic information about a few essential vitamins.  To learn more about vitamins and minerals take look at our Vitamins and Minerals board on Pinterest!  Happy eating! Vitamins