Making Movies with Brighter Bites
Today Houston-based production company tTweak began producing a video about Brighter Bites that focuses on our development, process, science, and impact. Camera crews filmed five interviews at the Houston Food Bank (including our Founders Lisa Helfman and Shreela Sharma, our Executive Director Sam Newman – pictured above, Houston Food Bank CEO Brian Greene, and Director of the Office of Policy and Planning at Harris Country Public Health & Environmental Services, Rocaille Roberts).
In addition to the interviews, the crew filmed scenes in the food bank warehouse of produce orders being built for Brighter Bites schools and in the kitchen of our staff preparing a grapefruit and mint salad that families will sample at our next distribution.
Filming wraps up next month and then it’s off to the edit room to put together an informative video that we can use to expand Brighter Bites for the benefit of more communities.