Lunch Conversations at KIPP Dream

Meet my friend Isabela, a 1st grader at KIPP Dream in Houston. She is one of the smartest, funniest, and curious kids I get the pleasure of hanging out with every week.


Every Wednesday at 11:47AM (that is when her class eats lunch), you will find me sitting on the last seat of the cafeteria table talking with her. She always saves me a seat! This week she was super sweaty when we met for lunch so I asked her why. She told me she had been playing football and refereeing the game. She loves football and even watched the Super Bowl this year. I told her I couldn’t even remember who won the game. Isabela was quick to remind me that the Patriots beat the Seahawks. Next, I asked about Isabela about her favorite meal. She loves carrot salad and even helps her mom prepare it! She gave me the recipe: shredded carrots, avocados, tomatoes and onions. Meeting kids like Isabela reminds me of the important role parents play in their kids’ eating habits. Isabela’s mom has exposed her to a great variety of vegetables and fruits and has also invited Isabela into the kitchen to prepare snacks and meals with her The result: a child who loves her fruits and vegetables. So, parents, encourage your kids to try different fruits and vegetables – they just might like them!