June is eat you fruits and vegetables month

farmers market 2

Eat Your Fruit and Vegetables Month has returned! Listed below are several tips and easy ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables from sunrise to sunset:

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day!
– Add some color to oatmeal, yogurt or cereal by tossing in a handful of berries such as blueberries, sliced strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries.
– Dress up scrambled eggs with sauteed spinach, mushrooms, diced bell peppers, and onions.

– Grab an apple or orange in replacement of chips.
– Tired of the typical PB&J or turkey sandwich? With a little bit of oil, pan-fry Portobello mushrooms for a hearty, flavorful sandwich or add tomatoes, pickles, purple onions, or any kind of leafy green to spruce up the sammy.

– When cooking with veggies, make double and add to meals throughout the week.
– Roast bell peppers, carrots, eggplant, green beans, summer squash, tomatoes or zucchini to create a caramelized, sweetened flavor.
– Be sneaky! Substitute veggies like zucchini or squash for spaghetti noodles or enhance the tomato sauce by adding peas, okra, or mushrooms.

Stay on track with a snack
– Stock up the fridge with pre-cut veggies and fruits for the mid-day “hangry’s.”
– Freeze banana’s and grapes for a refreshing pick me up.
– Have a few sad-looking produce items on hand? Toss them in the blender with ice and a liquid such as milk or 100% fruit juice for a healthy, green smoothie.