Brighter Bites from the POV of a Mission Year Volunteer

My name is Michael and I’m from Spokane, WA. I’ve had the privilege of being partnered with Brighter Bites during my time in Mission Year. For those who don’t know, Mission Year is a year-long faith-based volunteer program that partners with inner city nonprofits in Houston, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and has a special focus on issues of justice and solidarity. I’d like to tell you just a little bit about how I’ve seen and experienced these issues during my time here.

Working with Brighter Bites this last year has been incredibly rewarding and eye opening. For the first time in my life I have seen what it is like to live on an extremely restricted budget. Our house, for example, is given a grocery stipend of $2.40/person per day. With my wife and another couple, that adds up to a grand total of about $65 per week. That’s breakfast, lunch and dinner for four people for under $300 a month. Realizing just how much thought and preparation that goes along with these restrictions make me appreciate the challenges that many in our community face.

We are also placed intentionally in the communities that our programs serve, and the great part about this is that my house is located just five minutes from three schools that Brighter Bites serves in the area. Living in the same neighborhood as many Brighter Bites families, I’ve been able to see the need that Brighter Bites has filled. Many times I’ll see moms and dads from our schools at the H-E-B where I shop. They’ll tell me stories of how they wouldn’t have been able to have friends for dinner without Brighter Bites or how they can’t normally afford their child’s favorite fruit, but were able to enjoy it this week! What I’ve really taken away from my experience this year, is gratitude. I’m grateful for being part of a place that truly has the needs of the community close to its heart. It makes me happy to see the gratitude in the stories of the families whose lives have been impacted with such a seemingly small gesture: a bag of fresh produce.

The best part: I’m returning to Brighter Bites as a Program Coordinator in Houston!