Christine Vu
Program Coordinator
Christine Vu is a program coordinator for Brighter Bites in Dallas. She is responsible for assisting with the food fun experience and preparing weekly recipe samples to share with families.
Christine has always been fascinated with food science and ways to help her community through the power of food. Her greatest memories are derived from moments gathering around the kitchen table. Prior to Brighter Bites, Christine worked in education at Title I schools. She has also worked with the North Texas Food Bank, Bonton Farms, and Cafe Momentum. It was through these experiences where she realized communities can only flourish with access to proper nutrition and education. For those reasons, Christine decided to dedicate her efforts toward combating social disparities and focused them around food sustainability, access, and rescue. She is proud to take part in the mission of delivering nutritious food to families and building communities of health.
Christine received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Texas at Dallas. In her free time, Christine enjoys reading books and cooking with her family. Her favorite authors include Michael Pollan, Malcolm Gladwell, and Brene Brown. Her favorite cookbook authors are Samin Nosrat, Molly Yeh, and Anthony Bourdain. She also enjoys traveling, practicing yoga, and taking road trips with her dog and husband.