Danielle Orthwein

Program Coordinator

Food is Medicine is Danielle’s personal philosophy. She believes food literacy and sovereignty is a vehicle for empowerment. With a 20 year career in health-supportive cooking, she got her start in the kitchens of New York’s high-end culinary world. She soon discovered that she wanted to focus on whole food cuisine. She spent the next fifteen years running her own catering company and personal chef businesses focusing on specialty diets and medically-tailored meals. This ignited a fire for education and promoting nutritional self-reliance. Danielle spent the next three years as a Chef, Educator and Youth Program Manager at Ceres Community Project in San Francisco. She found a new passion leading volunteers, educating and building relationships within the community. Promoting the concept “What you put into your body effects what you get from it” to all ages has expanded her primary philosophy. After relocating to the East Coast, she was drawn to Brighter Bites’ mission to create communities of health through fresh food. She is
passionate about every aspect of cooking and food culture, and focuses that enthusiasm into her life. Today she continues her path of inspiring healthy choices and activating her communities to further this impactful work. When Danielle isn’t cooking and baking, she loves spending time with her family. She loves long walks with friends, pilates and finds time to spend at her loom weaving.