Cele(ry)brating Our Volunteers


Volunteers are vital to the success of Brighter Bites and without them we could not serve the thousands of families during the year. To show our deep appreciation, the Houston Brighter Bites team celebrated all the volunteers from the school year at a Volunteer Appreciation Party on May 19 at the Houston Food Bank. It was an event to remember!

About 130 people attended from 21 of our Houston schools. The day was filled with food, stories, pictures, and laughs. Keeping in true Brighter Bites form, program coordinator Christina Blick made a healthy lunch consisting of chicken salad sandwiches, tomato basil soup, avocado-lime dip, and banana ice cream. The families even received these recipes and a measuring cup as party favors! It wouldn’t be a party without raffle prizes for our guests of honor! Cookbooks,  plastic food containers, radios, and blenders were awarded to several lucky winners! We also had a fun photo booth for kids (and parents!) with giant fruit and vegetable props — all of the pictures are on the Brighter Bites Facebook page.


To end the day, we offered tours of the Houston Food Bank. The volunteers absolutely loved seeing where all that produce comes from! The party was a huge success and we had a great time celebrating and thanking our volunteers for everything they do. Holy guacamole, we can’t wait until next year to do it again!