Tribute to an Intern

During last week’s distribution at Jack Lowe Elementary School in Dallas, I had the opportunity to gain some insight from Sarah Payne, one of our amazing Brighter Bites interns. Sarah is currently a graduate student at Medical City completing her Dietetic Internship. After she graduates, she hopes to find a job where she can make an impact on community health and nutrition. Sarah stayed busy during her week with Brighter Bites. She worked on creating CATCH lessons, handing out food samples, engaging with families, and giving a green smoothie presentation. Sarah had a few minutes to talk with me about her experience. “I loved working with Brighter Bites!,” she said. “Not only does it give back to the community but it also provides nutrition education, recipes and samples that make the families excited about eating fruits and vegetables,” I give Sarah an A+! The Dallas Brighter Bites team has truly enjoyed working with all of our interns. It has been rewarding for our staff to provide hands-on experiences to the interns and to receive fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from them. We look forward to working with more student interns in the future!

BB Intern Sarah Spring 2015-JL 2