To create communities of health through fresh food.

Our Vision

To improve health outcomes among children and families in under-resourced communities by using the data-driven, evidence-based strategies of providing fresh produce and nutrition education.

Our Values

Brighter Bites is rooted in the belief that if we give our kids something better to munch on, they will. And the lives they lead will be as vibrant as the foods they crave. Here are the values that help inform our decisions for impact.











Health & Wellness





Step One


We improve lives by delivering and promoting excellence in
wellness through health promotion, fresh produce distribution, and nutrition education.

Step Two


We execute a program that brings children and families together
around fresh food. We honor relationships and foster trust, respect, and teamwork.
We are committed to making a difference in the lives of others in our community.

Step Three


We support, trust, and empower employees to further the mission
and vision of Brighter Bites. We are committed to developing the confidence of every employee’s talents and skills. We equip children and their families with the
knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Step Four


Brighter Bites families are at the core of what we do, they come first, and we
partner with them with the utmost respect.

Step Five


We operate at all levels with the highest level of integrity.

Our Credo

We believe our highest priority is to Brighter Bites families. In order to meet their needs, everything we do is built around demystifying produce by providing families a consistent variety of produce at no cost to help impact their health. We provide nutrition education resources for parents to use the produce at home, and provide teachers with nutrition education resources for direct education in school. We also provide fun food experiences for children and their families, making it fun, creating opportunities for experiential learning, and igniting conversations around health and nutrition with individuals and within school communities. We accomplish this through a dignified, sustainable and engaging program in order to promote long-term health.


We acknowledge Brighter Bites employees are our most valuable assets. It is paramount to recognize them as individuals that we respect, seek input from, listen to, and empower, resulting in shared ideas for constant improvement. We understand that in order to achieve retention of our employees we must provide a safe and secure work environment, a healthy work-life balance, and opportunities for employee satisfaction. We stand committed to our employee code of conduct and to providing a space to support innovation. We believe this will result in Brighter Bites delivering quality work and giving our employees a deep sense of pride in what they do.


It is our responsibility to help educate and improve the health in the communities in which we work. Our program should be equitably accessible to communities in need. We are reflexive and responsive in meeting the needs of families in changing circumstances with integrity and responsibility. We believe working in this manner will create the opportunity to become a trusted partner to families and communities. We are an agent for change.


We understand success requires us to work with our partners to achieve goals in a mutually beneficial manner. We aim to have a minimal impact on their core operational procedures and try to help them reach their overall business goals, in order to sustain these relationships long-term.


We understand that we are responsible for our organization-wide financial stability, and that meeting our financial expense and fundraising goals requires strategic thinking and innovation. As a nonprofit we exist on donations of resources, and the entire organization should be good stewards of these resources. We must manage our expenses responsibly to ensure we deliver the highest quality program; and we are committed to raising a diversity of funds to cover our expenses for current and future programming.


We know we are successful when we execute our program fully and in such a way that demand for our program continues to grow. Because our program is data-driven and evidence based, we will measure our success by striving to meet and exceed our KPI goals and consistently measure our impact. We will also strive to expand our resources so that we can grow our footprint within existing cities and launch in new cities, impacting even more individuals with our mission to create communities of health through fresh food.

Annual Impact Report 2023